Website access and use terms and conditions

This website you are using is published by:

Easy Syndic BV

Louizalaan 251, 1050 Elsene

Belgian business registry (BCE) number: 0506.828.166

Our website provides information targeted at both the customers of Easy Syndic BV and non-customers, hereinafter referred to as “Internet users”. This site is subject to Belgian law.

Use of the website implies full acceptance by the Internet user of these terms and conditions, as well as the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Internet user acknowledges having read, understood and agree to be bound by all of these terms and conditions. If you do not accept all of these terms and conditions, you are expressly prohibited from using the website and must cease using it immediately.

Please note that we may make changes to this policy from time to time, for example, to comply with new legal obligations. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the following address:

Age restriction

Internet user must be at least 18 years to access and use the Website and the Services offered thereon. By using the Website, the Internet user represents and warrants that he/she is at least 18 years and can legally accept these terms and conditions.

Management of the Website

For the proper management of the Website, Easy Syndic BV may, at any time, suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the Website, reserve access to the Website, or to certain parts of it, to a specific category of Internet users. We can also delete any information likely to disrupt the operation of the Website or which contravenes national or international laws or regulations and suspend, limit or interrupt the Website in order to update or modify its content.

Prohibited use of the Website

Internet user agrees not to use the Website, its content, and services for any unlawful purpose or for any purpose prohibited by these terms and conditions. Internet user agrees not to use the Website and its services in a manner that could damage the Website, the services, or the general business of Easy Syndic BV.

Hyperlinks and third-party content

This Website may contain information made available by third party and/or hyperlinks to third-party websites or other services.

The Internet user understands and agrees that Easy Syndic BVshall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the Internet user's use of any third-party website or service published on this website.

Easy Syndic BV is solely responsible for the content it has itself published. The accuracy, relevance and completeness of third-party websites and their content are not reviewed, monitored, or verified by Easy Syndic BV. Easy Syndic BV is not responsible for third party websites accessible through the Website or for any third-party content displayed, available or installed on the Website, including the content, accuracy, offensiveness, opinions, reliability, privacy or other policies contained in third party websites or their content.

Intellectual Property

The content and all elements of the Website (ergonomics, text, graphics, images, sounds, videos, databases – this list is not exhaustive), taken together or separately, are the exclusive property of Easy Syndic BV, including all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and other intellectual property rights.

Access to the Website and services does not constitute recognition of any rights and, in general, does not confer any intellectual property rights on any element of the Website which remain the exclusive property of Easy Syndic BV.

Any representation, reproduction, adaptation or partial or total exploitation of the content, trademarks and services offered by the Website, by any process whatsoever, without the prior, express and written authorization of Easy Syndic BV is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement inviting possible civil and criminal liabilities for the infringer. It is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the name "Easy Syndic BV" and its logo, alone or associated, for any purpose whatsoever, and in particular for advertising purposes, without the prior written consent of Easy Syndic BV.

Cookie Policy

Our Website uses cookies to improve, personalize, and adapt the Website and enhance your experiences as Internet user. The purpose of this Policy is to inform you about the types of cookies used and how you can manage these cookies.

Easy Syndic BV applies strict confidentiality policy and is committed to being transparent about the tracking technologies used on the Website. Insofar as the information collected using cookies is personal data, the provisions of the confidentiality policy apply and complement this policy.

Please note that we may make changes to this Cookie Policy from time to time, for example to comply with new legal requirements. We encourage you to consult this Policy regularly to keep abreast of any updates.

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a small text file containing information that is downloaded and stored on the computer when the user accesses a website. Cookies enable the website to recognize you and store important information, for example, information about your preferences and past actions, in order to improve navigation on the website and to improve and adapt the website's functionalities.

What types of cookies do we use?

The Website uses different types of cookies for various purposes:

  • Strictly necessary cookies These cookies are essential for navigation on the Website or are strictly necessary for the provision of a service expressly requested by the site user. Deleting this type of cookie may lead to navigation problems and is therefore strongly discouraged.
  • Preference cookies These cookies collect information about your choices and preferences. Preference cookies enable the Website to remember the choices you have made in the past, for example, your preferred language, in order to personalize the Website accordingly.
  • Performance cookies We use performance cookies to collect information about how visitors use our Website, with the aim of improving the content of our website, tailoring it more closely to visitors' wishes and increasing the user-friendliness of our website.
  • Marketing and behavioral targeting In order to provide you with even better information about our products and services, we use cookies to tell us what you have viewed on our website or what products and services might be of interest to you. We also use this data for our advertising campaigns on third-party sites. If necessary, we may also obtain information about the websites of our marketing partners on which you have seen our advertisements.
  • Social media cookies When we suggest that you share content from our website on social networks, such as facebook, these may implant a cookie on your device. For more information, we refer to the privacy policy of the involved organization.

Cookies are active for a maximum of 12 months. They can in no way link you as an individual to a name and/or surname.

Cookie management

You can accept, delete, or deactivate website cookies at any time via your browser settings. Please note that doing so may affect the availability and functionality of the website.

For more information on how to manage cookies, check your browser settings or visit the following links:

Apple Safari

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox


Android (Chrome)


Iphone or Ipad (Chrome)

Iphone or Ipad (Safari)

Privacy Policy

For more information on how we use personal information collected through cookies, please refer to our Privacy Policy. This Cookie Policy forms part of and is incorporated into our Privacy Policy. By using this Website, you fully and unreservedly accept this Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy.


If you still have questions about our cookie policy, you can always contact us:

By mail :

Easy Syndic BV

Louizalaan 251, 1050 Elsene

By email: